Top Reasons Why Content Marketing Goes Wrong

Content Marketing in Dubai
Content Marketing
Churning out authentic, quality content has become the norm for digital marketing in this day and age. That does not mean it encapsulates the essence of marketing as 70% of marketers still don’t integrate their business plan with their content marketing strategy. Even though marketing specialists and brands are aware of the positives of content marketing, they are not really tapping its full potential.
Content is King and everyone knows that. You may have created an awesome content marketing strategy and did what the experts told you to do.  Like many businesses, you may have gone a little overboard in creating content that you may have ended up ignoring what interests viewers. It will amaze you to discover that more than 88% of businesses and companies are into content marketing. Out of that only 35% are effective in content marketing. That means 53% of them are not finding their strategies effective for growth and profit.
Here are the top reasons why your content marketing strategy is not working for your business.

Low quality content and wrong strategy
Creating low quality content does nothing for your business. It’s not about just writing random content for the sake of it and expecting it to get good results for your marketing strategy. You don’t need a lot of content but something of good quality that will rank high in search engine results. The only way you can get it is by hiring good writers.
Another important thing is to get your strategy all wrong by not documenting it. 32% of B2B marketers have a documented strategy, 48% don’t have it documented and 4% don’t even know for sure. Anything that is not properly documented is difficult to measure. So, how will you know if your content marketing strategy is succeeding or not? Though some document their strategies, they do it the wrong way which lack:
  1. A CTA (Call To Action) – While marketers are working hard to get good content crafted out that is informative and valuable to people, they are not looking to build customers from it. You need to use your content to build customers that will actively engage with it. Otherwise, content marketing just becomes another expense and not an asset for your business. Encourage your viewers to subscribe to your blogs, newsletters, video series, podcasts, digital magazines, etc. to convert readers into leads.
  2. Consistency – Publishing quality content in a consistent manner contributes a lot to the success of your digital marketing strategy. According to reports, 42% of B2B marketers publish content several times per week. Delivering content regularly will make it easy for people to find you and also helps positioning you as an expert in the field. 
Not doing SEO or promoting content

Content marketing and SEO go hand-in-hand and work together to bring your website to the top of search engine rankings. If you only focus on creating content with no plans for implementing SEO, then you might as well forget about getting noticed because no one will find you. Write compelling topics that your audience will like to read and optimize it according for search engines with SEO rich keywords. Do keyword research by looking for relevant phrases with high volumes to drive traffic to your website. Content marketing enables businesses to learn about their prospective customers, discover their issues and create relevant and informative content to help solve their problems.
Creating content is only half the job. You need to extensively promote it to make it work. Gone are the days when visitors find content by ‘chance’ and read it. Promote your content through Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or through email newsletters. You can also contact influencers in your niches to help in sharing your content. 
Facing huge competition
Another important reason your content marketing strategy is proving ineffective is because you have a lot of competitors to deal with. It is difficult to compete with big organizations that produce high volumes of good quality content. The best thing you can do is to not stop from creating content. Don’t get discouraged but keep up the momentum. Build followers who will be committed to your business. You can also analyze what your competition dishes out to see what is working for them and where they are lacking. This way, you can create better content to outrank them in search.
If you want help in following these steps mentioned above and overcome all these issues and start seeing marketing success for your business, you can contact a content marketing agency. Here are 6 Creative Content Marketing Strategies For Your Brand that will help your business achieve the desired results.
To know in-depth about the intricacies of content marketing strategies,
                                               Talk to our Experts now


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